
If you see issues with video playback including long video loading times or video buffering try tips below. If nothing helps report your issues to our Support. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tip 1: Try cable connection instead of Wi-Fi

If you are connected via Wi-Fi try connecting your computer using an ethernet cable and disabling your Wi-Fi. Cable connection is more stable than a wireless connection and might help with resolving video loading and buffering issues.

Tip 2: Try lowering the video quality

Try lowering the video playback quality. You can do it by clicking on three-dots button in SlidesLive player and selecting lower quality in Quality menu.

Tip 3: Check your VPN configuration

If you use a VPN to watch videos on SlidesLive try connecting to a different server. Try servers in Europe and in USA. Try disabling the VPN as well. SlidesLive Library isn't blocked in any countries or any firewalls.

If you don't use a VPN and you are in a country known to be limiting or blocking traffic try using a VPN if you have one available.

Tip 4: Contact SlidesLive Support

If nothing above helps feel free to contact our support. Follow steps on Report Issue page to get in touch with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.